Poured the silicone into the molds and assembled the five pieces together. Two part molds are a cinch and practically easy enough to do blind after going through a five part mold.
Five part mold, it was a potential disaster with which I had no experience to begin with, with. So being the kind of person who believes skill and a bold attitude can trump inexperience, I jumped at it without hesitation. The biggest problem was the heat and how the clay reacted to it. The really hardest part was getting the seems to where they disappeared.
Two mistakes were made and a few Small glitches that were avoidable but couldn't fix unless hindsight lets you repair the past. Small imperfections like the inner brass square tubing being angled slightly enough to cause a small key. Or an Air bubble that caused the mold not get the whole sculpt.
The biggest mistakes were rushing the coil off the seam. One on the back and one on the upper back lower neck. Although it was my first attempts at mold making and were successful according to my boss, I still felt disappointed I didn't get it right. I can see all the areas that could've used a tweak or a smooth or just another pass.